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How Has Online Learning Been More Beneficial Than In-Person Learning?


At the start of the coronavirus pandemic, many people were concerned with how students all around the world would be able to receive their education. Online learning existed before the pandemic, but mainly in the form of online college. This was seen as an option for those who were working full time jobs, or if you just wanted to do school on your own time. There were some negative connotations that came from online degrees. People thought just because you earned your degree online, it meant you did not really work for it. In March 2020, the coronavirus was declared a pandemic and all schools moved online. This raised the concern that learning will weaken since students will not have the same resources.


Online learning is more beneficial than in person learning because it allows students to save time, remove physical limitations, and makes them more likely to finish and pass their course. With most online classes being asynchronous, college students have been able to manage their time better by watching lectures on their own time. K-12 grade classes have stayed synchronous, but students still save time with their commute. Most college students commute and K-12 students either have their parents drive them, take a school bus, or go to school on their own. Either way, online school has completely eliminated commute times. 

Materials and Methods

All students have to do now is log in to their computer, phone, laptop, or tablet. Some may argue that not everyone has access to a strong internet connection but in this case lectures are also recorded so if a student gets disconnected they can always catch up later. Schools should also provide students with all the resources they need for online school, such as wifi, and a laptop or tablet. Most schools provide the latter, but it’s difficult to get wifi to everyone. In-person learning may also sometimes require internet access for assignments so the same resources would be needed as online learning. When provided with all of the materials listed below, students have shown to be more successful in their online classes. Not everyone has access to these things, but if schools want their students to be as successful in distance learning as they are in person, these materials are necessary.

  • A reliable computer, laptop, or tablet and internet access
  • A separate, comfortable, quiet workspace
  • Any necessary software (Zoom, BlackBoard, Google Classroom, etc.)
  • Traditional school supplies (Paper, Pens, Pencils, Notebooks, etc.)
  • Printer and printer paper

Results and Discussion

Online learning is more beneficial than in-person learning is because it removes the physical limitations of a classroom. Some students suffer with anxiety and being able to type their responses in the chat makes it easier for them. Professors have also become more accessible online than in-person. Since it’s the only way for them to communicate with their students, professors have started answering emails faster and checking them more often. In class distractions have also decreased since the professor or teacher controls who can speak during class by muting and unmuting them. Students are able to retain information better since they are in a more comfortable environment and can take notes at their own pace. There was a frustration with in person classes where once you missed a piece of information the professor or teacher wrote or said, it was gone forever, unless you interrupted the class and asked the instructor, who would most likely tell you to ask your peers, who also missed the information. Now, you can go back and rewatch exactly what the professor or teacher said or wrote on the board without stopping the class or asking someone for clarification. Recorded lessons are also very beneficial to students who have jobs and sometimes get called in unexpectedly. Normally, they would have to ask someone for notes, causing them to miss out on most of the information given in class. Notes only contribute to a part of what was talked about in class and without hearing the professor or teacher explain the notes, it’s much harder to understand the context. Now, if a student has to miss a class they can just watch the recording on their own time and not miss out on anything. This gives every student an equal opportunity to learn in an environment that benefits them.


Online learning gives students a higher chance of finishing and passing the course because now they are able to do most things on their own time. At first, online learning was a little more difficult since it was hard to find a quiet place to study at home, or find motivation to do work. However, I think after a while once everyone got used to online learning, it made them successful in their classes. At first, there was the initial shock of everyone in your household being at home at the same time and all of you having to work from home but now, everyone has either developed a routine or even returned to work. With more students finishing courses, no physical limitations, and more time to themselves, online learning has been more beneficial than in-person learning. Once students are given the right resources, they will be able to do better in online classes than in-person classes, and we will be able to remove the stigma that comes with earning an online degree. 


Castro, M. B., Et al. (2019, November 4). A literature review: Efficacy of online learning courses for higher education institution using meta-analysis. Retrieved from https://link-springer-com.ccny-proxy1.libr.ccny.cuny.edu/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs10639-019-10027-z.pdf 

Distance learning Statistics [2021]: Online education trends. (2021, March 15). Retrieved from https://educationdata.org/online-education-statistics 

Eynon, R., & Malmberg, L. (2020, October 21). Lifelong learning and the Internet: Who benefits most from learning online? Retrieved from https://bera-journals-onlinelibrary-wiley-com.ccny-proxy1.libr.ccny.cuny.edu/doi/full/10.1111/bjet.13041 

Lewison, K. (2020, October 15). Facts: Is online learning as good as face-to-face learning? Retrieved from https://www.uopeople.edu/blog/online-learning-good-as-face-to-face-learning/

U. (n.d.). The definitive online school supply list for online students. Retrieved from https://www.utep.edu/extendeduniversity/utepconnect/blog/may-2017/the-definitive-online-school-supply-list-for-online-students.html